Monday, January 10, 2011

Am I a Twit for Not Tweeting ?


I have a secret.


I don't tweet!

And, I am not really sure why I don't tweet, to tell you the truth.  Lord knows I could use some help when my 3 year old is stripping naked at Lowe's (see my last post) or when I am asked to come up with a team name for our trivia team (Team Crouching Woman, Hidden Cucumber must retire!)

Clearly, at the very least, I could use some cyber support.

So,  am I a twit for not tweeting?

Any advice for a virgin tweeter??


  1. I don't Tweet either and I don't have a facebook page for my blog. We can be rebellious hellions together...LOL

  2. I love twitter. I don't know what to tell you to do. I just tweet whatever I am thinking.

  3. Take a number and stand in line... I don't tweet, either, but my latest posting is automatically posted. Otherwise, I just don't have the time... guess I'm just too old for all this techie stuff.

    Oh, if you're following me (I hope!), I've got a new dedicated blog domain, so change your link to

    Have a great day!

  4. I have a Twitter account but I don't do much with it. Honestly, it's just another distraction from real life. You aren't missing anything.

  5. I tweet when I feel like it. Sometimes I have stuff to blab and sometimes I don't.

  6. I've actually never been on Twitter. I just can't see myself doing that... "I'm going to the bathroom now." "Carrots are good." "I hate mowing the grass."

    No, that's not for me.

  7. I've never gotten into twitter either, and I just quit facebook. Now, whenever I have something clever to say I text it to my husband, lol.

  8. Sorry to say, but you're definitely a twit for not tweeting!

    Though I'm not sure if I sold you on it or made you run and hide based on my post today! HAHAHA!

  9. I tried Twitter.. I didn't like it. I tweeted and no one ever said anything back to me. I remarked just last week that when I was on Twitter, I felt like I was at a really cool party with all the cool kids, but was the one sitting in the corner talking to the lamp while everyone else stared and wondered who invited the weirdo to the party.

  10. Tweeting can get addictive, then you have to get help to get off Twitter or at least cut back - then when you do you wonder why you spent so much time on there... so save yourself - skip the first step and go to the last one - giving up Twitter!


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